Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts

David Blaine Magic Trick Surprise on Jimmy Fallon

I don't want to spoil it, so I won't properly title the post or set up the video like I normally would. I will say this: watch the full clip for the payoff. It's more than a card trick. And once you watch the above clip, click here to watch another with Drake, Dave Chappelle and Steph Curry.

Commercial of the Day: Spotify - "Horror" + "Crash"

I saw new Spotify commercial, "Horror," in the movie theater, and honestly, I wasn't completely sure this was a commercial. I thought it probably was but couldn't be sure because of social-based movies like Unfriended. The core insight in this commercial is that certain songs take a hold of you and you can't stop playing them, even if your life depended on it. But is "Havana" that song? Hmmmmm

Separately, there's a second commercial, "Chase", that follows the same core insight — some songs, much like love, can make you act irrationally (that's not the actual insight, but a little bit of reverse engineering kinda gets us a little bit half-way there). Take a look below and get the feels for yourself.

SNL Spoofs "IT" by Making Kellyanne Conway Pennywise, the Clown

I don't watch SNL too much anymore. It hasn't been consistently funny to me, and I have too much going on on Saturday nights to catch the live show. So I usually will see a few clips in the few days after it initially airs. And there's usually one or two clips that are good, and every now and then one pops up that's fucking amazing (they're usually digital shorts). There was "The Day Beyonce Turned Black," "The Beygency," and Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer.

Now they've added another one to the mix. Kate McKinnon, their maestro of impressions, stars as Kellyanne Conway as IT. And she fucking nails it — the person within a person is fantastic, from the crazy stares, to the creepy voice, and even the dance. It's all there and it's all worthy. Check it out above.

"The Mummy" Trailer with Just Tom Cruise Screaming

So back when Universal Studios thought this Mummy reboot would be the start of it's own cinematic universe (it's purported $95M loss throws those plans into question), they accidently released a trailer with the music and sound effects missing from the first half of the trailer. It was quickly taken down, but you know the internet — if it's posted, it lasts forever. Why is this notable? Because it's a lot of Tom Cruise yelling and it sounds like a bad overdub, but in an amazing South Park kind-of-way. I reco watching the entire clip to really get into it, but you can also just skip to the 40 second mark.

Fuckery: Insane Clown Posse - Miracles [Music Video]

Someone told me to watch this video. I did. I'm glad I did, but a week later, I'm still very unsure of what I witnessed. I've heard of Insane Clown Posse before. You've heard of Insane Clown Posse before. We understand them the music to be white Odd Future 15 years before Odd Future. But this song? "Miracles"? Maaaaannnnnn, it's what happens when you smoke too much weed and watch Planet Earth at the Gathering of the Juggalos. A sample:
Water, fire, air and dirt / Fucking magnets, how do they work? / And I don't wanna talk to a scientist / Y'all motherfuckers lying, and getting me pissed
Watching this video worth the four minutes, if for no other reason than to simply be astounded by the many WTF moments.

The Best "NYC Tourist Tips" Video You've Never Seen

If you live in NYC, you'll 100% understand.

If you're visiting NYC, heed these rules if you don't want to be cursed out and shoved out of the way.

Fuckery: Bug-A-Salt Commercial

There, apparently, is an airsoft type weapon that kills flies hovering around your food. This contraption uses salt to kill said flies by shooting said salt at a rapid rate at said flies.

What in the actual fuck? Okay, I kill the flies, but then I have salt and dead fly pieces all over my food? See more info on the brand website.

Barney The Dinosaur xx Big Poppa

Sometimes the internet really disappoints you and you wonder if we're all going to hell. Other times the internet brings you things you never knew you needed and you feel like you could live in it forever. The latter is one of those times. Even though this is old as hell, still gotta say it — what a time to be alive

Honest Trailer: Catwoman

Honest Trailers is a YouTube series that parodies blockbuster and/or terrible movies. They did 50 Shades Darker a few weeks ago (to wonderful results) and now they've tackled Catwoman. It's hard to believe how terrible this movies is.

Throwback: That Time Fear Factor Made People Drink Donkey Semen

Fear Factor used to be the show. For a chance to win $50K, people did all sorts of shit they wouldn't normally be willing to do. Case in point: there was an episode in 2012 called "Hee! Haw! Hee! Haw!" that included a stunt where each team had to chug donkey semen and urine. NBC got skittish about the episode and never aired it. It took over 2 years before clips eventually found their way to YouTube.

Take a look and try not to throw up.

Advertising Agency Spoofs Advertising Industry's Infatuation With Femvertising

There's an ad agency in Toronto called John St. They've produced a hand-full of spoofs directed at the greater advertising industry, including the fantastic "Catvertising" (see below). This time, they're back with a spot on spoof of the industry's infatuation with "femvertising". Depending on who you speak with, Femvertising is either empowering by telling women they can love themselves for who they are, or exploitative because it uses women's insecurities to sell them shit. Take a look and decide for yourself. Shouts to Adweek .

Lexus Has Created a Working Car Made of Cardboard

Two Lexus designers in London have created a literal cardboard version of the Lexus IS. Take everything you know about cardboard — how thin it is, how flimsy, how brown — and make a car out of it. They laser printed each piece based off the Lexus IS design, and combined with a metal frame and electric battery, created a car that works, ostensibly not outside of a very tightly controlled environment (see below). But the doors, the seats, the steering wheel, the wheels, the body, and everything else were built from the ground up, using cardboard. That's some fantastic attention to craft and luxury.

In something that shouldn't be a surprise, the "making-of" video has more views than the "reveal". This is one of those "how the fuck did they do that" videos. Shouts to ADWEEK.

This is How You Calmly Foil a Robbery Attempt at Dunkin' Donuts

Someone tried to rob this Dunkin' Donuts. To use a truly tired phrase, "ain't nobody got time for that!" The Dunkin' hostess, Angelica, handles the situation like a boss. Seriously, she does the opposite of panic. She said,
"He rushed himself, tried to get out of his car. That's when I realized he was serious. I tried to close the [drive-thru] window. He put his arm in it. He knew not to touch, because he knew there would be fingerprints … I did see his coffee that I made him, so I looked at [it] quick, threw him the first one. Looked at the pots of coffee and threw the pot of coffee at him. That's when he started running into his truck and then he left, and I said, "Go run on Dunkin'!"
Shouts to Buzzfeed

Paper Art Never Looked So Good

Advertising agency TBWA/Johannesburg had a problem. People wanted them for their expertise, just not their expertise in design. So what did they do? They took existing client briefs (assignments) and created works of paper art specific to the company that sent the brief: A dress shirt for Bio Classic washing powder, a ship in a bottle for Mainstay Vodka, and more. As a result, new design work rose by 450%. Talk about results. Check out the video below. Shouts to ADWEEK and The Inspiration Room.

Throwback: Hastily Made Cleveland, Ohio Tourism Video

This video is a parody of tourism videos. Per the YouTube description:
The Cleveland Tourism Board gave me 14 million dollars about 8 months ago to make a promotional video to bring people to Cleveland. As usual, I waited till the last minute and I ended up having to shoot and edit it in about an hour yesterday afternoon. I probably should have invested more time.

A Belgian Bank Steals Someone's Identity So They Could Make This Commercial

This short video (which, yes, is a long form commercial) shows just how easy it is for someone to steal your identity and "take over your life". How easy is easy? Well, depending on what information you post to your *public* social profiles, extremely easy.

The narrator says, "We sent him a 'phishing' email from his 'real bank' to confirm certain details. Afterwards, all it take is one fake call to empty his account. But I have other plans. I'm not just going to take over his bank account...but his life. Literally." For more info hit up Safe Internet Banking.