Showing posts with label SNL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SNL. Show all posts

Natalie Portman Returns to SNL to Rap Circles Around Bitches

Natalie Portman has appeared on SNL a few times. Once was back in 2006, when the Lonely Island first blessed Natalie with the lyrics that she murdered in "Natalie's Rap," a video lambasting her Harvard-educated, clean girl image. She recently visited again, and blessed us with "Natalie's Rap 2.0". Andy Samberg also shared some BTS on how it all went down with Vulture.

Come Back, Barack [Music Video] - SNL Digital Short

Chance The Rapper, Kenan Thompson and a third guy (sorry, dude, haven't watched SNL this season so I'm not familiar) get their Boyz II Men on in this 1990s throwback music video. The subject of their 90's-style love? None other than former president Barack Obama. And as someone with a Barack Obama tattoo, I 100% understand and agree.

SNL Spoofs "IT" by Making Kellyanne Conway Pennywise, the Clown

I don't watch SNL too much anymore. It hasn't been consistently funny to me, and I have too much going on on Saturday nights to catch the live show. So I usually will see a few clips in the few days after it initially airs. And there's usually one or two clips that are good, and every now and then one pops up that's fucking amazing (they're usually digital shorts). There was "The Day Beyonce Turned Black," "The Beygency," and Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer.

Now they've added another one to the mix. Kate McKinnon, their maestro of impressions, stars as Kellyanne Conway as IT. And she fucking nails it — the person within a person is fantastic, from the crazy stares, to the creepy voice, and even the dance. It's all there and it's all worthy. Check it out above.

The Lonely Island - Finest Girl (Bin Laden Song) [Music Video]

The Lonely Island's recent film + soundtrack, Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping, was released a month ago — it's really funny, really topical, and a fantastic parody/take down of fame and our celebricy-obsessed culture. One of the standout parody tracks from the movie is the above "Finest Girl (Bin Laden Song)". Connor4Real (Andy Samberg's character) meets a fine girl, and all she wants him to do is fuck her like the "US government fucked Bin Laden" — a metaphor that doesn't make sense.

Song of the Day: Ariana Grande - Dangerous Woman

Ariana Grande is back with the super official first single from her upcoming 3rd album, Dangerous Woman. The track, a sultry throwback to your favorite 90s R&B, sees Grande stepping out from using JUST her powerful voice to build the song, something that's new for her. The slow building, guitar heavy track feels like a mature evolution for the 22-year-old, and the vibe, arrangement and instrumentation feels like of those Rihanna tracks everyone tries to emulate, except Grande sidesteps the emulation and creates her own thing.

I can only hope the Dangerous Woman album follows in the vibe of it's title track when it drops May 20th. Max Martin co-wrote and co-produced this, because obviously. See below for Larry David fucking up the intro to her SNL performance of the track.

SNL Slays Beyonce/Super Bowl Haters with New Skit

A lot of people (see: white people) were mad Beyonce brought her Black pride with her to the Super Bowl halftime show. They claimed it wasn't an appropriate venue for a political statement. SNL absolutely merks those people.

First, There Was "The Shake Weight"...Now There Is The "Tug Toner"

I don't know how I'm just coming across this marvelous wonder. First there was the Shake Weight, then the Free Flexor, followed by the Shake Weight SNL DVD. And now? Well, now there's the Jimmy Kimmel produced spoof, The Tug Toner. I'll just leave this here for your amusement. If you want to skip the intro, fast forward to the 1:22 mark.