Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts

Paper Art Never Looked So Good

Advertising agency TBWA/Johannesburg had a problem. People wanted them for their expertise, just not their expertise in design. So what did they do? They took existing client briefs (assignments) and created works of paper art specific to the company that sent the brief: A dress shirt for Bio Classic washing powder, a ship in a bottle for Mainstay Vodka, and more. As a result, new design work rose by 450%. Talk about results. Check out the video below. Shouts to ADWEEK and The Inspiration Room.

Street Artist Plastic Jesus Peppers LA with Anti-Kardashian Street Signs

LA based artist Plastic Jesus, fresh off creating an Academy Awards Oscar addicted to heroin and one snorting coke, has created his critique on the ubiquitous of celebrity culture and specifically that of the LA based Kardashian klan/collective and the paparazzi that follow them endlessly.
“I chose locations which are frequented by celebrities, including Robertson Blvd. near the Ivy restaurant, and an Italian restaurant near Melrose and Robertson called Cecconi’s,” Plastic Jesus explained to The Daily Beast three hours after he’d personally installed them himself, undetected. “And I had to put one outside the Kardashians’ store on Melrose, as well.”
"The Kardashian family has become ingrained in our culture," the artist tells THR. "We've allowed mainstream media to become so profit-driven, we are sacrificing genuine news stories to satiate our vapid celebrity obsessions."
"Stop Making Stupid People Famous' often gets blogged as a criticism of the Kardashians," Plastic Jesus says. "But that piece is also meant to criticize us as consumers. Without us, there would be no market for the Kardashians. We are equally, if not more so, to blame." 
I'm one of the few people (if there even are any others) who are tired of hearing people complain about the Kardashians and will defend them to the death. I constantly hear "they're famous for no reason" or "they have no talent" or "Kim's a whore blah blah blah". SO THE FUCK WHAT. I can count off a thousand of your favorite rappers/actors who are famous but have no talent. Fame doesn't equal talent, A, and B, they are talented as fuck — talented in flippin money into more money, which, unless I don't live in America, seems to be the goal of every fucking person in America. And C, quit slut shaming, the shit is unbecoming. You don't like what they do? Fine. Don't watch, don't read. When they come up in convo, either exit the conversation or add something stimulating besides the tired old arguments that don't mean shit to anyone except your hater-ass self.

Black Photographer Creates Instagram Page Using White Women as Scarves

Photographer Nate Hills has created a photography series called Trophy Scarves. His mission? He "wears white women for status and power". How fucking awesome is this? I'll spare you my long-winded thoughts and give you the spark notes version: I love that he's flipping the American (maybe worldwide?) establishment on its head by taking black men, traditionally the lowest ring on the societal ladder, and having them wear white women—society's most prized possession—like the fashion accessory they're often treated as but just as often deemed out of the black man's 'reach'.

Hit the jump for more pics. You can check out the Trophy Scarves Instagram here. Shouts to The Life Files.