Showing posts with label Commercial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Commercial. Show all posts

New Magazine Commercial Says "If You Play Sports, You Can Dance"

Libero Magazine, a free, monthly Spanish soccer magazine, recently debuted a new campaign to show the brand is about more than soccer — it's also a lifestyle and culture magazine. Libero's prefered way of telling you that? By showing those who think they can't dance, how to dance. In these two spots, Libero shows that the moves you do while playing soccer are just as suitable for the dancefloor. They even show you how to dance to different types of music. Shouts to ADWEEK via Ads of the World.

Planet Fitness is the Fucking Worst

I hate Planet Fitness. No, I fucking hate Planet Fitness. Why? Because it's a gym for people who want to feel good about the idea that they're working out. They don't actually care about the work out. They don't care about getting fit. They don't care about giving people a feel good feeling for going to the gym and walking on the treadmill two days a week. Planet Fitness sees you doing things you can do anywhere outside, and says, "hey, person with zero self esteem as it relates to your workout, you can pay us to do that anywhere shit here!" Hit the jump to continue reading.

Fuckery: There Are No Positive Words to Describe Flo Rida's Terrible, Terrible Infomercial

I still don't know what the fuck this commercial is selling, but whatever it is, I aint buying it, nor am I buying Flo Rida's acting. And he never takes his sunglass off the entire time, so I guess he's from the Lil' Jon camp in that if you are ever unfortunate enough to see him without his sunglasses, you'll immediately wonder how he ever became famous, got girls, had sex, or generally became a respectable human being.
And this acting? My god, porn stars act better than this. Flo Rida looks uninterested. I'm talking Nic Cage doing movies so he can pay his tax lien uninterested. In fact, Flo Rida looks like he was court ordered to participate in this late night infomercial, only the judge didn't mandate the number of takes, so Flo Rida was like, "ya'll bitches only get one shot at each line, and if I fuck it up, O WELL."

At one point in the commercial, the announcer says, "why spend thousands of dollars on equipment or frustrating music lessons" — sooooo, you're saying why spend time and effort on talent? — "when you can get Flo's Beamz AND music instantly?" — soooo, you mean make music as shitty as Flo Rida's? Nahhhhhh, no thanks. Man, fuckouttahere. Shouts to Pigeons and Planes.

Dope Anti-Drunk Driving Commercial from New Zealand

Any "anti" anything commercial is usually doom and gloom. There is the anti-texting commercial from the UK that is one of the most graphic things you'll ever see, and that includes anything you'd see in a movie. But this New Zealand anti-drunk driving commercial is really refreshing because they don't even attempt to scare you out of drunk driving. Instead, they play on humor to persuade you to be the person who prevents someone from drunk driving. The spot is a few years old, but new to American audiences.

In New Commercial, Comcast Cable Helps a Blind 7-Year-Old Create Her Own "The Wizard of Oz"

I hate Comcast cable. In fact, I probably really, really dislike every single cable provider in the country, and I'm sure the majority of you do, too. But setting aside that hatred, I have to stand up and give a resounding round of applause to advertising agency Goodby Silverstein & Partners, the firm that created this wonderful spot that makes you want to hate Comcast a little less than you currently do.

In "Emily's Oz", a blind 7-year-old who's never seen The Wizard of Oz, describes what the characters look like to her. It's incredibly moving, inspiring, beautiful and heartbreaking all at the same time. What does Comcast have to do with this story? They're introducing a way that allows her to hear the menu options she can't see. Hit the jump to watch the behind the scenes making of video, which is 10x better than the actual spot above. Shouts to ADWEEK.

The Law Offices of Kevin Durant and Associates: KD Stars in New Sprint Commercial

Kevin Durant has long been a spokesperson for Sprint. Back when Sprint was doing its super terrible "Framily" campaign, KD was (sadly) a part of it. Now, the nation's third largest wireless carrier has finally given the Oklahoma City superstar a commercial worthy of his on-the-court talents. A week ago, leading up to All-Star Weekend, KD started tweeting out teasers for his new Sprint campaign, like the one below. Shouts to Translation for the creative work.

Trojan Condoms Spoofs Everyone's Infatuation with "50 Shades of Grey"

Trojan Condoms debuted this 50 Shades of Grey themed commercial a few days ago, and boy, it really digs at those who think reading the 50 Shades of Grey books will magically turn them into BDSM aficionados. Because they definitely would not be ready. In this commercial, a couple tries to recreate scenes the wife read in "that book", only she's under the impression the husband has read the book, too, which he hasn't. Hijinks ensue.

On a more serious tip, though, where's the branding? I'm a bit disappointed by the lack of Trojan branding since any other condom/sex category marketer could've stuck their tags on the end and it wouldn't make a bit of difference on the commercial. Trojan, after getting some great creative, really dropped the ball-gag on this. I know Trojan's ethos is woven throughout the spot really well, but they did a poor job of making sure the audience know it's a Trojan commercial. Shouts to ADWEEK.

Marshawn Lynch Doesn't Like Giving Interviews to the Media. Here are Two Commercials of Him Giving Media Interviews

Marshawn Lynch famously doesn't like doing interviews with the media. He's explained why he doesn't like talking to the media. And yet he has to, per the terms of his, and every, NFL contract. Everyone has to talk to the media, if requested, or at least make themselves available to speak to the media for five minutes.

So when Marshawn "talks" to the media, which he doesn't always do (he's been fined $100,000 by the league for refusing to speak to the media), he's often difficult with them. He'll give the same one-word answer to every question, or he'll give the same one-sentence response every time. A select recounting:

  1. Thanks for asking 
  2. I'm thankful
  3. I'm just here so I won't get fined
  4. You know I'm here
  5. [He just lays into the media]
Seeing Marshawn Lynch pine for Flo from Progressive is just...weird. But seeing him crack up at the Skittles questions is hilarious. "Do you wish the football field was 200 yards so you could have a 200 yard touchdown?" Gold.

New Snickers Commercial - "The Brady Bunch" featuring Danny Trajo

This is the ad Snickers will be running during the Super Bowl. The Spot was done by BBDO and (I believe) marks the return of the "You're not you when you're hungry" commercials to the Super Bowl, where it debuted in 2010 with Betty White. Shouts to ADWEEK.

Fuckery: Education Connection Commercial

Like...I can't with this. Education Connection is a website that pairs students with schools in their budget, and they frequently release commercials with singing/rapping people to get that point across (see exhibit A, above). That's not the issue. The issue is the terribleness/creepiness of this spot. There's the guy standing at her window, watching and listening to her, and the foursome on the floor below also creepily watching and listening. There's the shitty dancing, writing, acting, and most concerning, the Big Sean-esque inability to stay on beat.

Also, how did the creepy guy get into her apartment? And how did the all-too-racially/sex-diverse foursome get into her shower? And why is she so accommodating to them? Ahhhhhh sooo many questions without answers!

I wish these actors/actresses had better agents. Although, even Evangeline Lilly (Lost, The Hobbit trilogy) appeared in not one, but TWO Live Link commercials. So maybe there's hope yet for these poor schmucks.

NBA Debuts New "Barrier Breakers" MLK Commercial

The NBA just let loose their new Martin Luther King, Jr-inspired commercial. Commemorating Black History Month, the ad lays MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech over footage of all the ways in which the NBA has been a barrier breaker for race, sex, nationality, and more. Big, big, BIG shout out to Translation, the agency that worked on this, as well as all the souls who put in the thousands of hours needed to win the NBA business and make the first creative effort a success. Shouts to ADWEEK.

Finally, a Good Axe Commercial: Axe White Label

Axe, generally known for it's not-really-but-yes-really sexist commercials that appeal solely to the inner-teenage boy of every teenage and early 20-something young man, has been stepping their game up recently. A year after Adweek called Axe's positioning "the preferred scent of horny, pubescent boys," Axe has been trying to "evolve" into something that's less about titties, cleavage, and getting you laid, and more about inner confidence. BBH London did the spot.

James Harden Banishes Friend to Kris Humphries Entourage In Latest Foot Locker Commercial

Talk about going viral. This latest commercial for Foot Locker done by DDBO, New York already has nearly 3.5 million views since it was released two days ago. And with good reason, too. This spot is HILARIOUS to anyone who follows the NBA and knows what's been going on with Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian.

"Yeah...a cool guy."

On an unrelated note, here's a Foot Locker commercial from a few years ago...I'm just gonna leave that here.