Planet Fitness is the Fucking Worst

I hate Planet Fitness. No, I fucking hate Planet Fitness. Why? Because it's a gym for people who want to feel good about the idea that they're working out. They don't actually care about the work out. They don't care about getting fit. They don't care about giving people a feel good feeling for going to the gym and walking on the treadmill two days a week. Planet Fitness sees you doing things you can do anywhere outside, and says, "hey, person with zero self esteem as it relates to your workout, you can pay us to do that anywhere shit here!" Hit the jump to continue reading.

How else can you describe their constant bashing of people who, I don't know, want to actually get fit and/or grow their muscles? How else can you find a single fucking reason why a gym — A FUCKING GYM — would give away free pizza on the Monday of every month? It's totally cool that your business model is to go after the supposed 85% of people who don't work out (sidebar: no wonder 2/3 of Americans are overweight or obese), but do you have to be such a huge douche about it? It's like they're saying, "hey, you know those 200 calories you just burned? How about you gain all of that back, plus another 200, with this cheap, greasy ass pizza."

The fact that they purport themselves to be a "judgement free" gym, but actively curtail and attempt to shame people who go to the gym for high impact workouts is just...special. Thematically, or rationally, it's not all that different from "not to sound racist, but..." Did you know that if you're actually there to lift free weights — which they have, but only up to 80lbs (and in some cases, only 50), which, what the fuck — you'll get hit with what they call a 'Lunk Alarm' if you're grunting? And you can be tossed if the Link Alarm goes off. Who doesn't grunt when they're doing physical labor? They've even been removing squat racks and bench presses because supposedly a customer complained that the squat rack and bench presses were "intimidating."

Someone on Reddit said it best:
Smart move on their part. Think about it, the point of the lunk alarm is to deter people who are serious about working out. Their whole goal is to keep out the serious crowd who actually comes. If you know 10% daily attendance down to 5% daily attendance, you can have twice as many members. It's the next step in their plan to create a gym that's 100% casuals who pay their dues and never show.
Who wants to work out at a place like that? DON'T GIVE YOUR MONEY TO PLANET FITNESS!

Soooooo she hired a personal trainer and then decided, "nah, this is too hard", and now she don't like gyms?

Sooooooo you signed up for advanced dance, decided it was too hard and wanted to quit doing dance classes? Because Planet Fitness doesn't even have any classes.

Planet Fitness also doesn't have yoga.

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