Showing posts with label Drunk Driving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drunk Driving. Show all posts

Fuckery: Drunk White Woman Not Killed When Leading Ohio Police in Car Chase

The video embed works, even if it looks like it doesn't.

The above video happened in my hometown. An intoxicated white woman, the daughter of a prominent local lawyer, takes police on a low-speed chase throughout Columbus, Ohio. She rams a few police cars, drives through private property, and generally commits a handful of acts unarmed black men have been killed over. Not once do the police engage with their firearms. My black male friends and I always joke that if this were us, we'd be dead.

Watch and be amazed.

Dope Anti-Drunk Driving Commercial from New Zealand

Any "anti" anything commercial is usually doom and gloom. There is the anti-texting commercial from the UK that is one of the most graphic things you'll ever see, and that includes anything you'd see in a movie. But this New Zealand anti-drunk driving commercial is really refreshing because they don't even attempt to scare you out of drunk driving. Instead, they play on humor to persuade you to be the person who prevents someone from drunk driving. The spot is a few years old, but new to American audiences.