Showing posts with label Spoof. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spoof. Show all posts

Ben Shapiro Singing Cardi B's WAP

Fuck Ben Shapiro, but when Cardi B's "WAP" dropped, he read the lyrics aloud on his show. He was disgusted. He said his wife was disgusted and that any woman who had WAP probably had an infection.

Well, someone took Ben Shapiro's audio and made a song out of it. Now it's my ringtone

Come Back, Barack [Music Video] - SNL Digital Short

Chance The Rapper, Kenan Thompson and a third guy (sorry, dude, haven't watched SNL this season so I'm not familiar) get their Boyz II Men on in this 1990s throwback music video. The subject of their 90's-style love? None other than former president Barack Obama. And as someone with a Barack Obama tattoo, I 100% understand and agree.

SNL Spoofs "IT" by Making Kellyanne Conway Pennywise, the Clown

I don't watch SNL too much anymore. It hasn't been consistently funny to me, and I have too much going on on Saturday nights to catch the live show. So I usually will see a few clips in the few days after it initially airs. And there's usually one or two clips that are good, and every now and then one pops up that's fucking amazing (they're usually digital shorts). There was "The Day Beyonce Turned Black," "The Beygency," and Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer.

Now they've added another one to the mix. Kate McKinnon, their maestro of impressions, stars as Kellyanne Conway as IT. And she fucking nails it — the person within a person is fantastic, from the crazy stares, to the creepy voice, and even the dance. It's all there and it's all worthy. Check it out above.

The Lonely Island - Finest Girl (Bin Laden Song) [Music Video]

The Lonely Island's recent film + soundtrack, Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping, was released a month ago — it's really funny, really topical, and a fantastic parody/take down of fame and our celebricy-obsessed culture. One of the standout parody tracks from the movie is the above "Finest Girl (Bin Laden Song)". Connor4Real (Andy Samberg's character) meets a fine girl, and all she wants him to do is fuck her like the "US government fucked Bin Laden" — a metaphor that doesn't make sense.

Advertising Agency Spoofs Advertising Industry's Infatuation With Femvertising

There's an ad agency in Toronto called John St. They've produced a hand-full of spoofs directed at the greater advertising industry, including the fantastic "Catvertising" (see below). This time, they're back with a spot on spoof of the industry's infatuation with "femvertising". Depending on who you speak with, Femvertising is either empowering by telling women they can love themselves for who they are, or exploitative because it uses women's insecurities to sell them shit. Take a look and decide for yourself. Shouts to Adweek .

Barack Obama - Back to Back [Donald Trump Diss/Drake Spoof]

Alphacat, the comedian/rapper who's most famous for his visual and prose similarity to Barack Obama, has released a new video — this one a spoof of Drake's Meek Mill diss, "Back To Back", aimed at Donald Trump. He's got some great lines in this video. Some highlights:
He'll tell another one and then another one/The DJ Khaled of lies, here comes "another one"
See Trump's the type of dude that mocks the world's poor/but is the world poor, or your soul poor?/I know you're tryna get known more/but this the type of nonsense you got fired from "The Apprentice" for

"Mean Gurlz" - If "Mean Girls" Took Place in Inner City Compton

This entire video has me *dead*. I wish this was the sequel to Mean Girls instead of that abomination that was ABC Family's Mean Girls 2.

 "Hoodrat takes human form in Rhiyonce"

Worst Self-Made Commercial Ever? Or Best Spoof Commercial Ever

I...I can't. This commercial for Harry Kassabian and People's Bail Bonds is either the world's most shadiest, stereotyped filled commercial ever (terrible doesn't even begin to describe this), or the world's greatest, most ingenious and inconspicuous spoof video ever. I'll let you decide. Shouts to Illegal Advertising.

First, There Was "The Shake Weight"...Now There Is The "Tug Toner"

I don't know how I'm just coming across this marvelous wonder. First there was the Shake Weight, then the Free Flexor, followed by the Shake Weight SNL DVD. And now? Well, now there's the Jimmy Kimmel produced spoof, The Tug Toner. I'll just leave this here for your amusement. If you want to skip the intro, fast forward to the 1:22 mark.

The Semi-SFW Trailer for "The Human Sexipede", a Spoof of "The Human Centipede"

There are countless porn spoofs of popular movies. You've got Star Wars XXX, The Avengers XXX, The Simpsons XXX — if it's popular, they'll put porn in it. I don't think it's a stretch of the imagination to say these movies are generally terrible (but also fun for your penis). And that's where The Human Sexipede, a spoof of the sometimes difficult to fathom The Human Centipede, makes its mark.

In the clip below, the "spoof" manages to not only be better than its source material, but also, dare I say it, good? Why? Because it's actually funny (like, really, it's really funny) and the porn stars have enough charisma to make you feel like you're watching something more akin to a student or independent short than a low-budget porn.

LOL: Intervention Spoof: I'm Addicted to Twerking

I don't know what Stevie TV is, and I can only assume it's a sketch comedy show on VH1, but this spoof of A&E's Intervention is fucking hilarious. In this video, a girl develops a twerking addiction after seeing Juvenile's "Back That Azz Up" music video. Her addiction is "literally twerking [her] family apart". Pure comedy.

Maury Spoof: "I'm 12 Years Old and I'm a BAAAAAADDDD BITCH"

Believe it or not, I actually went to a taping of Maury a few weeks ago. It's filmed in Stamford, Connecticut, and they bus people from NYC to the studio for taping. It takes ALL F'N DAY. So, only go if you've a day to spend waiting for the 45 minute taping. But once you get in the studio for said taping? It's as glorious as you'd imagine. One woman brought two men on the show because she didn't know which was the father of her twins. When Maury read the results to both men, separately, that they were "not the father!", the two men started doing the I'm-not-the-daddy dance, and the crowd started chanting "THOTTY" at the woman. 

Anyways, someone created a spoof of the Maury episodes that feature out of control teens. It's titled Mawry: I'm 12 years old and I'm a bad bitch.