Showing posts with label The Human Centipede. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Human Centipede. Show all posts

The Semi-SFW Trailer for "The Human Sexipede", a Spoof of "The Human Centipede"

There are countless porn spoofs of popular movies. You've got Star Wars XXX, The Avengers XXX, The Simpsons XXX — if it's popular, they'll put porn in it. I don't think it's a stretch of the imagination to say these movies are generally terrible (but also fun for your penis). And that's where The Human Sexipede, a spoof of the sometimes difficult to fathom The Human Centipede, makes its mark.

In the clip below, the "spoof" manages to not only be better than its source material, but also, dare I say it, good? Why? Because it's actually funny (like, really, it's really funny) and the porn stars have enough charisma to make you feel like you're watching something more akin to a student or independent short than a low-budget porn.

It Follows [Movie Trailer]


Now that's out of the way, let me rationally tell you what It Follows is about. It's basically The Ring...with STDs instead of a video tape. If you have the curse, you have sex with someone else so they have it instead of you. The additional catch? It forms a line like The Human Centipede. If one person dies from not passing it on, then everyone who had it before them also dies. It Follows will follow you into select theaters on March 13th, 2015.