The Top One Percenters Playlist Vol 38


You know what it is. Playlist below and tracklist after the jump. As always, new songs have been added to the top of the playlist. Scroll further down to find old playlists. Vol 37 is here and Find all playlists here.

Questions No One Knows the Answers to [TED-Ed]


Remember "2 Girls, 1 Cup"? Not the video itself, just the immediate "WTF" feeling you had when the video started playing and you slowly began to realize it was real, and not a prank? It's WTF combined with a sense of dread and helplessness. For me, it was a bit mesmerizing. One of those once a year things you see that it's too hard to look away from. The idea that what you thought you knew didn't matter anymore because this new thing had been introduced that tore it all to shreds. Just me? 

Anyways, that's how I felt when I first watched this TED-Ed video, "Questions No One Knows the Answers To". I thought, "surely, someone knows these answers," but I was wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. And to top it off, not only did this make me feel stupid, it made me feel like everything I thought I knew had been rendered irrelevant, inconsequential, and unimportant. 

Good luck.