Showing posts with label Little Boots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Little Boots. Show all posts

Little Boots - Shadows ft. Joyce Muniz [Music Video]

This new chillwave techno track from Little Boots just feels sexy to me. Like I need to be in the corner of a dark club just vibing the fuck out. Probably on some purple illicit substances.

Little Boots - Working Girl [Song of the Day]

Over the past few months I've really been getting into Little Boots and her discography. She recently released her third album, Working Girl. Her shit feels like indie-pop/house because I could see every one of her songs being a remix of a sexy, energetic indie-pop track. I even saw her a few weeks ago on her Working Girl tour (which, if she comes to your city, you should definitely catch). Check out a few tracks from the new album.