Showing posts with label As Seen on TV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label As Seen on TV. Show all posts

British Pop Star Robbie Williams Tells Hand Job Story

Robbie Williams is really, really huge British pop star from the 90s. That's about as much as I know from him (and that he did a dope track with Dizzie Rascal). Anyway, he was on Graham Norton, one of the biggest British late-night TV shows, and told this crazy insane handjob story. I won't give anything away because it's really wonderful to follow along and hear it for the first time.

But Robbie Williams seems like a dude I wanna party with. Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick and Daniel Ratcliff are all along for the ride, like it or not.

Fuckery: "Perfect Polly Pet" Infomercial - The Fake Plastic Thingy You Treat Like a Real Pet

One of my friends posted this on Facebook, and I wanted to de-friend them for posting something into my newsfeed that was sooo goddamn annoying. Perfect Pet Polly, AS SEEN ON TV, is a motion sensored fake parrot that will whistle and "sing" when it detects someone wants to be annoyed is in the room. But it's apparently so lifelike that grandma, or mom, won't know it's not a real fucking bird, or that live animals aren't made of felt and plastic. Sigh.

Really, though, that parrot would be smashed on sight if someone brought that, IN A BIRD CAGE, into my house. And it would be smashed slightly less on sight if I saw that in someone else's house.