Showing posts with label Wax Motif. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wax Motif. Show all posts

The Top One Percenters Mixtape Volume 20

It's been a minute since I created the last Top One Percenters mixtape. But it hasn't been for lack of trying. I'm trying to not do the whole "illegal uploading of music" thing so I tried to make the mixtape in Spotify. Well, the whole thing about about Spotify is that they don't really have remixes. I went to Souncloud to find the remixes and they didn't have a lot of non-dance stuff. So I'm left with a combo of both — YouTube. 

Volume 20 is the most dance centric mixtape I've done this far and it's really reflecting the type of music I've been listening to for the past year plus. There just hasn't been enough good rap music for a while. But maybe Kendrick will change that. Either way, check out Florrie, Anna Lunoe, Ladyhawke, DJ Fresh, Years & Years, and more in the Top One Percenters Mixtape Volume 20. Peep the YouTube playlist after the jump.