Showing posts with label Naked Oprah Dress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Naked Oprah Dress. Show all posts

This. Designer Creates "Naked Oprah Dress" and It's F'n Dope

Peggy Noland is a designer who has created the "naked Oprah dress" that's sparking angry editorials and think pieces internet wide. First things first: Peggy Noland, why is your website soooo difficult to navigate?! I tried to find images of the naked Oprah dress on her website (which, itself, is dope, because it mimics the google layout) but had no such luck. Maybe she took them down? I hope not, because I want to purchase this dress and wear said dress during the warmer days (or at the job I don't yet have).

Secondly, who the fuck creates a naked Oprah dress? How do you even...what sort of occurrence sparks the thought that says, "I need to create a naked Oprah dress"? I think it's incredibly dope, if only for the reason that it proves A) people will purchase anything and B) people will get angry about everything. Hit the jump to see another pic and reach some choice quotes she gave to NY Mag. Shouts to Four-Pins. Also, there's a t-shirt version that I'd purchase right now despite my brokeness. I'm going to try and find that, stat.