Showing posts with label 2016 Election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2016 Election. Show all posts

Will The Real Republican Please Stand-Up! [Video Spoof]

Someone saw fit to cut up the first Republican Presidential Debate into a rap timed to Eminem's "The Real Slim Shady". There's no title to the video, but it would undoubtedly be "Will The Real Republican Presidential Candidate Please Stand Up". It absolutely slanders the Republican party by taking everything liberals don't like about them, distorting the clips, and recreating them as ether-esque bars of steel. Props to whoever had the time and patience to do this. That person has real talent.

Will The Real Republican Please Stand-Up
Posted by on Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Someone saw fit to cut up the first Republican Presidential Debate into a rap timed to Eminem's "The Real Slim Shady". There's no title to the video, but it would undoubtedly be "Will The Real Republican Presidential Candidate Please Stand Up". It absolutely slanders the Republican party by taking everything liberals don't like about them, distorting the clips, and recreating them as ether-esque bars of steel. Props to whoever had the time and patience to do this. That person has real talent. 

Fuckery: Ben Carson Made a Rap Radio Ad

Ben Carson is forging a new foray in music: Struggle Politician Rap. As you may have heard (or seen in the New York Times), Ben Carson released a radio ad that includes a rap song — or more appropriately, a rap beat, a rap hook, and a bunch of audio clips of Mr. Carson's speeches. According to the Times, "the Carson campaign is putting $150,000 behind the ad, titled “Freedom,” which takes the form of a rap song and is aimed at African-American voters." The ads are running such cities as Atlanta, Detroit, and Miami.

Listen for yourself and decide the intensity of the struggle.