Introducing Ängie - Swedish Indie Pop Influenced by Weed and Rap

Angie is a new artist from Sweden. Her sound is indie-pop, her lyrics are like a lesbian Wiz Khalifa and her vibe is 90s goth. That's a weird sentence to write and an even odder combo because I'm crazy into it all. It sounds like it should be trash but there's an introspectiveness to it all that really connects, on top of being really catchy. There's a boldness and aggressiveness that feels very much rooted in rap music. These are some fucking incredible tracks and I'm really, really interested in hearing more and eventually seeing her live whenever she makes her way to NYC.

Here's an interview from GuestList from 2 years ago where she discusses growing up in Sweden, smoking weed (obvi), being suicidal and finding herself. Show love and check out her Instagram, Twitter and Spotify.
"Smoke Weed Eat Pussy" "Spun" "Housewife Spliffin"

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