Showing posts with label Cable. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cable. Show all posts

In New Commercial, Comcast Cable Helps a Blind 7-Year-Old Create Her Own "The Wizard of Oz"

I hate Comcast cable. In fact, I probably really, really dislike every single cable provider in the country, and I'm sure the majority of you do, too. But setting aside that hatred, I have to stand up and give a resounding round of applause to advertising agency Goodby Silverstein & Partners, the firm that created this wonderful spot that makes you want to hate Comcast a little less than you currently do.

In "Emily's Oz", a blind 7-year-old who's never seen The Wizard of Oz, describes what the characters look like to her. It's incredibly moving, inspiring, beautiful and heartbreaking all at the same time. What does Comcast have to do with this story? They're introducing a way that allows her to hear the menu options she can't see. Hit the jump to watch the behind the scenes making of video, which is 10x better than the actual spot above. Shouts to ADWEEK.