Michael Trapson - If Michael Jackson Was a Mumble Rapper

So there's a rapper who goes by Michael Trapson, and he's a trap version of Michael Jackson, I guess? Idk, you know how Instagram rappers are these days. Anyway, he made a video called "If Michael Jackson Was a Mumble Rapper [Aka "Neverland Dungeon"]", which is odd because he doesn't really mumble like Future or Young Thug. But what he does do like Young Thug is make a mockery of my ears and their tolerance of acceptable material.

The video is entertaining, though, especially in a "I-don't-want-to-get-out-of-bed-yet-so-let-me-peruse-Instagram-for-four-hours" kind of way (which, incidentally, is how I found this gem). If you wanna hear more by Michael Trapson, you can google him.

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