The Newest Rob Lowe DirecTV Commercial is the Best Yet

The Rob Lowe/DirecTV power couple began 6 months ago with (I believe) the "Less Attractive Rob Lowe" commercial. Since then, there's been nearly a dozen spots that, like the A-leads-to-B-leads-to-C, campaign, were extremely hit or miss. Scrawny Arms Rob Lowe and Crazy Hairy Rob Lowe? Genius. Meathead Rob Lowe and Peaked in High School Rob Lowe? Not so much.

But DirecTV has (apparently) saved the best spot for last. It's about how cable Rob Lowe is a deadbeat father and general cutter of corners guy. Total Deadbeat Rob Lowe has the best line (and best ensuing dance) of the entire campaign with "My kids were always fighting over what to watch, but that's their stepdad's problem now." I will say, though, "looks like I'm not having any mayonnaise" is a close second.

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